Dr. Pejman Rasti Associate Professor, Universite d'Angers (Department of Big Data and Data Science, Ecole d'ingénieur Informatique et Environnement (ESAIP)), at Angers, France, webinar(mini-workshop) on «Segmentation in 2D and 3D Microscopy Image Stacks»

02 February 2022 | 14:09 Code : 618 Events
Dr. Pejman Rasti Associate Professor, Universite d'Angers (Department of Big Data and Data Science, Ecole d'ingénieur Informatique et Environnement (ESAIP)), at Angers, France, webinar(mini-workshop) on «Segmentation in 2D and 3D Microscopy Image Stacks»

Dr. Pejman Rasti Associate Professor, Universite d'Angers (Department of Big Data and Data Science, Ecole d'ingénieur Informatique et Environnement (ESAIP)), at Angers, France, webinar(mini-workshop) on « Segmentation in 2D and 3D Microscopy Image Stacks » on Wednesday February 9, 2022, 17:30 (IRST) | 15:00 (CET)

Considering the ongoing effort against COVID-19, the Office of Scientific Collaborations and International Affairs of BNUT, in collaboration with the faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, decided to hold this seminar using online tools, if you wish to participate, please register via the skype link:



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